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发布时间:2024-05-03 22:14:17 浏览: 作者:世盈胶水

环氧树脂英语怎么说?How to say epoxy resin in English?


Epoxy resin is a common industrial material with excellent performance and a wide range of applications. It is a high molecular compound formed by the reaction of epoxy groups and active hydrogen atoms, with excellent adhesion, chemical resistance, and wear resistance. It has important applications in the fields of construction, aerospace, automotive, electronics, etc.

环氧树脂的英文是epoxy resin,它是一种热固性树脂,具有优异的机械性能和耐热性。它可以通过与固化剂反应形成三维网络结构,从而获得高强度和耐用性。在制造复合材料、粘接剂、涂料等方面有着广泛的应用。

The English term for epoxy resin is epoxy resin, which is a thermosetting resin with excellent mechanical properties and heat resistance. It can form a three-dimensional network structure by reacting with a curing agent, thereby obtaining high strength and durability. It has a wide range of applications in the manufacturing of composite materials, adhesives, coatings, etc.


Epoxy resin is widely used in the construction industry for floors, coatings, adhesives, etc. It has excellent wear resistance and chemical resistance, which can effectively protect the surface of buildings and prolong their service life. At the same time, epoxy resin can also improve the gloss and aesthetics of floors, meeting the needs of different customers.


In the aerospace field, epoxy resin is widely used in the manufacturing of composite materials, such as carbon fiber reinforced epoxy resin composites. This material has the advantages of high strength, light weight, corrosion resistance, etc., and can be used in the manufacturing of aircraft, satellites, and other aerospace devices to improve their performance and reliability.

总的来说,环氧树脂是一种重要的工业材料,具有广泛的应用领域和优异的性能。了解环氧树脂的英文名称epoxy resin,可以帮助我们更好地了解和应用这种材料,促进其在各个领域的发展和应用。希望本文对您有所帮助,谢谢阅读!

In conclusion, epoxy resin is an important industrial material with a wide range of applications and excellent performance. Understanding the English name epoxy resin of epoxy resin can help us better understand and apply this material, promote its development and application in various fields. I hope this article is helpful to you, thank you for reading!

